Anna Rae

Anna Rae

Executive Assistant to Mason King

Life Story

I grew up with the incredible gift of a loving, Christ-centered home. My parents both came from rough family backgrounds, so they were determined to break sinful generational cycles. I heard the truth of God’s Word spoken regularly. As a child, I prayed for repentance many times but only to be saved from hell. When I was 12 years old, the Holy Spirit truly lifted the veil, and I realized for the first time that I was living for myself and striving to earn my salvation. I knew at that moment that I needed the Lord.

When I started visiting The Village’s Dallas Northway campus in 2009, I was blown away by the truth and authenticity coming from the pulpit. This church was actually talking about the struggles that all humans experience and not just sweeping them under the rug. This began a beautiful season of growth in my walk with the Lord. After so many years of “playing the good girl” and thinking I had a boring testimony, I realized something incredible: God saved me from myself.

The Lord also brought me another unexpected and amazing gift at The Village: I met my husband, Sean. He is an incredible example of kindness and graciousness—something I had no idea I needed more of in my life. The Lord has entrusted us with three sweet and crazy boys. Being their mom has been one of the most challenging and life-changing things I’ve ever experienced. More than ever, I realize my need for the Lord every moment of each day.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we would always provide a safe space for transparency, vulnerability, and confession of sin. I pray that we would encourage and exhort one another to walk in the freedom that Christ purchased for us.