Roger Lowe

Roger Lowe


Life Story

I grew up in a non-Christian home, but my parents forced my older brother and I to go to church every week even though they didn't go. At the age of 11, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Even though I was in high school and college in the turbulent 1960s, my commitment to Jesus kept me from getting involved in drugs, promiscuous sex, alcohol, and other such vices. Praise God for that. The church I went to tended to emphasize works over grace, and it has been a struggle of mine over the years to realize that Jesus' work on the cross was necessary and sufficient for salvation. I take great comfort in Ephesians 2:8–9 and in Romans 8:1. Today, I have peace through Christ and am happy to serve others in His power and for His glory.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we will remain a strong and faithful church, preaching and making disciples for the glory of Christ.