Kayley Cockrum

Kayley Cockrum

Hospitality & Events Coordinator

Life Story

I grew up in LaGrange, Georgia, and began going to church at an early age. However, it wasn’t until I attended church camp one summer that I understood what it meant to have a relationship with the Lord. Throughout my teenage years, I struggled with always trying to follow the rules in hopes to earn God’s love for me. When I transferred to the Christian school in my hometown, I began to really see the true gospel and started living in freedom that isn’t based on my “good works” but on Christ’s finished work on the cross.

My walk with the Lord had been fairly easy to that point in my life, and I did not know what it looked like to face trials. I attended Auburn University after graduating high school and went through a really difficult and refining season that pushed me to rely on Christ and seek true healing in Him. During my time at Auburn, I was met with other trials and challenges, and each time the Lord gave me strength and true peace that only comes from Him.

While at Auburn, I studied Hospitality Management and approaching graduation, I was filled with uncertainty about the future. The Lord has been so kind to allow me to join the staff at The Village where I get to help create events for people to come and hear about the precious name of Jesus.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we would be a people passionate about sharing the gospel and making disciples of Jesus. I pray that we would stand firm in the truth and have a mindset focused on furthering the kingdom.