Blake Chilton

College Station, Texas
Existing Planters

How You Can Get Involved

Pray: Ask the Lord to work through Declaration Church to reach the people of College Station, Texas, with the gospel.

Give: Support Blake by contributing financially.

Go: Consider joining Declaration Church and being a part of what God will do there.

Several years ago, Blake Chilton and his family visited his hometown of Bryan-College Station. During that weekend, God planted a seed, burdening Blake’s heart for his hometown and the community there. In 2014, after doing a residency through Fellowship Associates, Blake moved home to plant Declaration Church.

Blake Chilton

College Station, Texas
Existing Planters

How You Can Get Involved

Pray: Ask the Lord to work through Declaration Church to reach the people of College Station, Texas, with the gospel.

Give: Support Blake by contributing financially.

Go: Consider joining Declaration Church and being a part of what God will do there.