Our Calendar Rhythm

At The Village, we are passionate about loving people and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe God has uniquely gifted and called each of us to play a part in advancing His kingdom in our local community. Our approach is to mobilize the people and resources of TVC to engage the local community through equipping them to share their faith, exposing them to needs in the area through service opportunities and connecting them to strategic partnerships working to advance the gospel in our area.


Outreach Training

Our Sending team is facilitating a 12-week Outreach Training every Spring that will help equip you to make disciples of Jesus Christ. This hybrid course will alternate between a class setting and going out into the community to apply what you learn and love your neighbors. By the end, you will have the ability to confidently share your faith with those you meet in your daily life.


Service Opportunities

Every Summer, the Sending Department partners with local organizations to provide service opportunities for Students and Adults to be exposed to the needs in our local community and discover ways to use their gifts and passions to share the love of Christ. These opportunities will range from ongoing commitments to one time events; so, whether you are looking for a consistent place to serve or just beginning the journey, we have places for you to plug in and learn to love your neighbors.


Community Drives & October Month of Prayer

Every Fall TVC will host strategic drives and events to highlight and serve our partner organizations as we, together, seek the renewal of our local community. Month of Prayer: This month, we're prayer walking our neighborhoods and asking God to bring repentance, renewal, radical devotion, and revival. We provide a digital guide for prayer points each week to be used by you, your family, and/or your home group.


Opportunities to Learn to Love Your Neighbor

We have several ongoing opportunities to love your neighbor throughout the year!

  • Join our CarePortal Team to help tangibly meet the needs of families in crisis in our community, and be notified in real time as needs arise
  • Sign up for our Local Response Team to be notified of opportunities to provide immediate support in our community due to emergencies, unforeseen weather, crises, and more.
  • Serve with our strategic community partners. Visit the Local Missions Page to learn more about these opportunities

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