Rick Snyder

Rick Snyder

Global Missions Mobilization Leader

Life Story

I grew up in a Christian home with parents who loved Jesus deeply. In the home or in church, I regularly learned about God's story of His redemption through Jesus for all people on earth. It was around junior high when I truly saw my sin and my need for Jesus’ blood to cover me. I believed in Jesus at that point knowing that He and He alone had the power to save and reconcile me to God. 

I was pretty immature in my faith, and it wasn’t until college that I really understood what it meant to have a relationship with God on a daily basis. God placed people in my life to disciple me and help me better understand how to follow Jesus. After college, I began working in Houston in accounting- and finance-related roles. During that period of time, I grew a deeper understanding of my identity in Christ and how to walk in the joy and freedom my relationship with Him brings. I have always loved international things—traveling, people, cultures, and foods. My parents lived overseas for many years, and I continually have felt drawn towards “the foreigner.” During college and after, I participated in different international outreach ministries and spent significant time with international people praying that all would know and follow Jesus. 

God shaped my heart to have deep compassion for the lost, and I began praying for the Lord to send me where the gospel is needed and allow my life to impact the unreached peoples of the world. I was able to be trained in cross-cultural ministry, and at the beginning of 2020, the Lord provided me with a new role in full-time mobilization of the church, specifically in training and equipping laborers to be sent out to places where the gospel is most needed. It is my joy seeing people follow Jesus and the gospel be launched outward so that the nations will worship our King. 

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that the body of Christ at The Village will all desire to see Jesus exalted locally and across the earth.